You are currently now on KHALIDGSMS with availability of 2 products (two KHALIDGSMS products) - updated on Mon 20 Jan, 2025. You may order KHALIDGSMS all over Pakistan including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Quetta, Faisalabad and over 800 cities, towns and villages in Pakistan. This page has been reviewed 1 times as last checked Mon 20 Jan, 2025. Wide range available in KHALIDGSMS including Ice Pack Bottle For Ice Box Air Coolers, Ac Cooler And Dc Cooler, Refreezable Icepack, Cooling Refrigerant Price Rs. 179, Sola Sew Solar 12v Dc 100% Copper High Quality Sewing Machine Motor 3500 Rpm 3amp 36 Watt No Speed Controll Wooden Starter Price Rs. 1,499.